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OakenHeart Foals

We were so pleased to welcome our new colt "Mimic" on Mother's Day 5/14/2023

Exemplar (River Riders Riddler x Marana Minnie Mouse  We have added his 3 week photos to the gallery as well




River and Friday2
ruthie lovin's
fury trust
Ruthie lovin's2
fury ball3

We spend a lot of time imprinting the foals we produce so they are easy to handle and people friendly when they head off to their new homes.

Time spent training the foals on what to expect when they arrive at their new homes is time well spent!

trailer training6

acclimating foals to new things by making it enjoyable for them.

foal schooling4

learning to trust and give to pressure

first trim

Caring horse professionals are essential for educating young horses

foal schooling

once trust is built they can learn to deal with scary objects


knowledgeable, competent horse trainers for teaching beyond the basics

Trailer Training2

Trust built pays off when the foal has no fear

After all that work we make sure there is plenty of play time in large pastures with friends in the herd! 

River ball
Foals playing
mares and foal_edited
Rowdy and Dawn
Rory River Friday
Storm and colts
foals and Rory

Of course, plenty of time to rest and relax!

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